Monday, 17 December 2012

Snowflakes, Angels, Awards and Reflecting on the True Meaning of Christmas

My lovely silver man for wining gold
Well, here we are again hurtling towards the Festive Season with visions of snowflakes, family smiles and heart warming fire side scenes. In reality we are rushing head first into shops frantically bustling with others fixated on the present that everyone wants. Tempers already frayed by the inevitable car park queues, impatient faces and sore shoulders from the stress of it all.

The thing I love the most are watching the children in the build up to Christmas. Little angels with their wings and halos at strange angles, shepherds with their “tea towel” scarves, rosy cheeks from carol singing in the fresh air and a strong belief in the fact the Christmas is a dual celebration of the nativity with a rather large man in a red and white suit.

This afternoon I am going to wrap up warm, take the chariot and go and watch Boo in her carol concert. To be honest she warbles like an old pub singer but is very enthusiastic. She recently appeared in a big concert with her school choir and 15 other schools. The children not only sang but signed every song. Truly impressive. J

I am lucky to have friends and family who strongly believe in the spirit of Christmas and we ensure it is a special time of year for our nearest and dearest. This year the dates have fallen kindly which means that we are able to enjoy an extra 2 days. What does this mean for the “Hills”? Well, we will roll/walk to the local pub, catch up with friends and take it easy before the real excitement begins.

Before I go any further I must update you on the past few weeks. I think I mentioned a couple of big events that I was attending…well….one was my company’s award ceremony. This was an evening that celebrated the achievements of individuals throughout 2012. It was a brilliant evening topped off by the fact that I won my category. Well I say topped off, nothing could have prepared me for the reaction I received from my colleagues that evening. Before the winner could be announced I heard someone shout my name, this led to something that I will never witness again. The entire room, of over 250 people in evening dress, started to chant my name and all stood up. This lasted for what seemed a very long time when in fact was probably only a couple of minutes. My friends were tearful and I was completely overwhelmed. Then I did the conga up to the stage to collect my rather fetching trophy, of an “Oscar” like man who is naked. It is currently in my lounge and when Boo asks why it has no clothes I tell it is “ART”!
What the room didn’t know was that only 5 minutes before me and two friends were squeezed into a toilet with hypodermic needles frantically trying to inject my legs before the proceedings began.  Luckily one of them reminded to un-tuck my knickers from my evening dress before leaving the room. Surreal times J
I am still confused and amazed at what happened. There is a video of it, so when I get it I shall add it to the blog.

The other events I have not been able to attend due to my current health situation. Only last night I was due to attend the “Sports Personality of the Year Awards” in London and today a Champagne reception on the London Eye, both in recognition of the work I have done this year. Even though I am extremely grateful and disappointed I cannot jeopardise Christmas with the children and Mark. There will be other times. J
As mentioned my health is somewhat compromised at the moment and I have been visiting my friends in the local A&E dept every two days for the past 3 months. In an effort to keep me out for longer periods I have been self medicating with Intramuscular Injections. Painful but necessary. I cannot lie and say that I have handled the situation with my normal humour but I am getting there and it is becoming part of our daily routine.

There are times that you feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel. These days can be dark and the duvet is calling your name instructing you to get under it and stay there. This is the moment that you need to draw on your inner strength, brush yourself down and move forward. I find focussing on a positive thing helps me. For instance planning a family day that I know will make me smile or a Starbucks afternoon with the “girls”. I experienced this recently and had to draw myself up and get back to work. It has definitely helped me. Solitude is nice but can be damaging when on the slippery slope.

As you know I like to add something to my posts. Today’s is a humorous look at the 12 Days of Christmas and how the festive period , both current and historic, have a “pop” at disability… it made me chuckle and is tongue in cheek with a true undertone.

The link is below and from Ouch! It is found on the BBC website.

So what have the big days in store for the “Hills”? Well, we have family days in store. I adore them. They create moments that you make you stand back, take stock and appreciate what you have. As I have found you never know what it is around the corner so when you see you loved ones surrounded by the soft twinkling lights of the Christmas tree, sleepy smiles from over indulgence and that annual moment when everyone loves everyone else. It doesn’t last long but appears every year to remind us of what is important.

This year we have experienced many things and celebrated them as a nation. From the Royal Jubilee, The Olympics and The Paralympics. The feeling of unity was palatable and for once people relaxed and enjoyed each others company. The sun shone for the two weeks and it was lovely.

This year I have also experience heartache watching friends fight their own battles…some continue to wage war and stand side by side on the battle lines with their swords drawn valiantly refusing to be beaten. Their strength is amazing and I am completely in awe of them. Forget Christmas presents.. My Christmas wish is for them to win their fight and be raising a glass to “Auld Lang Syne” with me this time next year. You know who you are and I love you all.

In case I forget in my New Year post there are some very special people that I need to thank for their never ending support over the past 12 months. These people have to endure seeing my underwear several times per week; some have even had to watch my butt being injected in case they have to. This is not something I would encourage anyone to do. They have been there for me when I am down and up, they have befriended the A&E staff with me when they have given up hours and hours of their time to be with me there. They have cried, laughed, shouted, hugged, panicked, calmed, driven for hours for a fleeting visit in hospital and supported me through the entire journey this year. So a massive thank you to Mark, Boo, Jake, Mum, Dad, Jax, Caz, Lisa, Pauline and AnnMarie. I also want to thank Tons who is always there with words of encouragement and little gifts.

Fabulous shoes on my tree......

Right, back to my original paragraph……I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and amazing New Year. Please take a moment to step back and reflect how precious this time of year is and remember it is “not what is under the tree but those standing around it with you”

Love to you all

Until 2013


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous18/12/12

    As always, beautiful, funny and straight from the heart. Love you angel. Philly xxx
