Friday, 5 April 2013

A giant of a man in so many ways....

The KTF baton has been passed on......

In life, people cross your path all the time. The ones you remember have left something with you. This special gift can be all manner of things but the fact you still think of them proves they were meant to have met you.

Last week my heart was broken by the passing of one of the bravest, funniest and human people I have ever known,

Mark was my “sick buddy”. What is that? I hear you ask. It is a hard question to answer as he was so many things to me. We met through his wife, Pip, and immediately hit it off. This was a long time before either of us fell ill and could enjoy the balmy evenings eating outside with friends, laughing and taking our time. Then as it likes to life threw a curve ball and we both fell ill. It was at this time we recognised kindred spirits and decided to, without thought or discussion, to support each other through the good times and lows. There have been many of both.

Some of our methods have been slightly unorthodox, like when I sent him lots of jokes about cancer treatment all the time hooked up to a chemotherapy infusion or the time he mailed me saying that my admissions were only a way to getting the Resus cubicle painted the colour of my choosing. Humour has been our constant companion throughout our journey. They say that laughter is natural medicine and even in times of severe pain and worry we would inadvertently swing back to funny comments.

Pip and Mark we so supportive when I first fell ill, knowing I supported Arsenal he gave me his limited edition beany bear for…….SPURS!!! I soon got my revenge by giving him a even bigger bear with the red badge J

They threw me cupcake parties, took Boo for wonderful days out, whisked me to hospital and been absolutely brilliant friends.

But Mark was more….he understood the struggles and challenges you face when meeting an illness head on, he knew of the frustrations and the need to protect our loved ones. He was the one person I could talk to who “got it”. Our mantra became “KTF” – “Keep the Faith”. After each text, mail or conversation KTF would appear to remind us to keep strong and looking ahead. This baton has now been passed to Boo, who even yesterday came running in telling me to KTF three times, Mark would be proud. They were the terrible twosome when together and sometimes it was difficult to ascertain who was actually the child…..she loved him and was in awe once saying “Mummy Uncle Mark is taller than our Christmas tree but not as tall as the lamppost” and even as Mark was being pulled towards the twilight she remarked that even though he had lost weight he was still the tallest man in the world……she loved him and continues to do so.

The true testament to this wonderful man, apart form his lovely wife and family, was the amount of genuine grief at his moving on. If any of us could even have a smidgeon of what had been displayed the past few days we would know that we had made a difference with our time on this mortal coil.

I will cherish the time that I knew Mr Johnson and always carry his support with me. We used to liken our illnesses to being on a train journey with different destinations. A week ago today my friend disembarked on to a new platform. He leaves me in the carriage still holding on to my ticket to my station.

I miss my sick buddy, reaching for my phone constantly to text him. My heart goes to Pip and I solemnly promise to support her as much as they have helped me and mine over the years. I will not let my bud down.

We kept making plans to take the dogs for a “Al Fresco” hot chocolate, this will have to be a rain check mate but it is still a date J

Until we see each other again KTF……


  1. Ali Holgate5/4/13

    Beautiful Sarah...........

  2. Anonymous5/4/13

    Since seeing your photo (above) with Mark on Facebook I have been checking in on his page every couple of days to see how he was doing. Since realising on Tuesday that he had gone I have been thinking about him all the time. Isn't that weird? Someone I did not even know and I have this massive sense of sadness. I knew he was important to you and whilst 'snooping' on his page to see how your dear friend was doing, I could see how loved he was. It became natural for me to check in on him each time I took my fleeting Facebook fix. That, i guess, is where my sadness comes from....the fact that he touched so many lives and will be so missed.... Seems that those who knew him were the lucky ones. Of this I am sure. Chin up cherub....x (Kirsty from FF)

  3. Anonymous6/4/13

    Not really anonymous as you will know who I am. This is beautiful as is the post above this one from someone who never met our lovely friend but who can still see how special he is and was to so many people.We are grieving but will never ever forget him.His brother from another mother is missing him terribly.You have my number so call me if you need anything and if we dont catch up at work before we will at Markies big sendoff. xxxx

  4. Anonymous8/4/13

    Made me cry and smile in every paragraph.

    Two AMAZING people, two incredible train journey's.

    Absolutely - KTF Sarah. xxx
