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Throwing a few moves in the Chariot |
Almost a month has past and what a month it has been. I haven’t been this busy since falling ill and absolutely loved every minute of it…..
It started off with a trip to London where amongst other brilliant things I had an epiphany that I honestly believe may have changed my life. A dramatic comment but park your initial thoughts until you have read why.
I attended a session in which Baroness Tani Grey-Thompson spoke to the attendees about her life, her childhood and how she became the champion we recognise. She blew me away, how she has faced everything head on, with guts, determination and laughter. Four days later I was sitting watching my Caz, my cousin, throwing a few shapes on the dance floor and made a spur of the moment decision and in a flash my hands grabbed the wheelchair break, reverse the chariot and suddenly I was in the middle of the dance floor facing Caz’s legs. Well, that was it…Madonna eat your heart out, this old bird can also bring it on. I even managed a moonwalk. It was an emotional but liberating moment and I honestly put it down to the fabulous lady from the week before.
On to my second moment; ever heard of the charity Whizz-Kidz???? It was set up to help children and young adults to get wheelchairs that are specific to their needs rather than using the generic chairs offered by the NHS. It’s like being given a pair of shoes that do not fit. They start to hurt and you won’t wear them. They now take it much further and support the young adults through the life journey of education into employment…this where I came in. I was asked to present to a group of 20 graduates. It went really well and I have euphoric ever since. They are amazing young people with degrees ranging from Law to Equine Studies….I felt humbled in their presence….so why did it effect me so much? I pushed me into making a decision that I have been toying with for a few months. Wait for it………some of you know that I have a teaching qualification in Classical Ballet but obviously cannot use it now so thought I would move into teaching dance to disabled children and adults. Every little girl deserves to be a swan, angel or sugar plum fairy regardless of illness or disability. Euphoria has turned into excitement and expectation.
The Hill household has been wrapped up in the end of school year carnival…the weather has been abysmal but there has always a silver lining, like when they parked the chariot next to the school fair hot dog stand. I may have been wet but a couple of “dawgs” always make you feel better. We have been to-ing and fro-ing, between the rain drops, to sports days, discos, shows and tournaments. Both the children are now playing football so the house is full of kits and boots. Boo thinks we live in the film Bend it Like Beckham, I am sure Mark would love to have Keira Knightly living with us….As for me, I have been using the chair a lot more and it has definitely helped with my strength and being outdoors. I even managed the scrum of the NEXT sale and let’s be honest, that is not for the faint hearted. Jax wheeled me in and out of the front line of shoppers like a forward on the rugby field as I whisked things off of the rails with breakneck speed. What a team!!!!!
People are slowly getting used to seeing me in the chair at work and I am able to manage my day more effectively knowing that I am not as tired and able to travel at the same speed as everyone else. Brilliant, though yet to master the “wheelie” J
I read a post on a website today where someone else has to accept using a wheelchair and feeling very low at the prospect. It is difficult when first having to plant your bum in the four wheeled steed and you are defensive, grouchy and rude to those around you.
I tried looking for an article that had some tips on your first few trips out but came across the link below. It is the top ten tips on how to talk to someone in a wheelchair…. How funny!!!!… I have just caught my breath back from laughing. Anyone requiring an actual self help piece on how to talk to a disabled person requires more than self help….I am still chuckling….
Check it out - www.wikihow.com › Home › Categories › Health › Disability Issues
Healthwise I am hanging in there. Still waiting for treatment news and getting more pricks than the proverbial dart board. We know that treatment will be available at some point so remain positive. I still look like a beach ball, though in my mind I look like a volley beach ball player J
The waiting game can be frustrating and try not to keep checking my e-mails to see if there is any news. All the time we wait I have to have more steroid injections. I am wondering if Health and Safety at work have any strong string as I am soon going to be floating like the toad balloon in Shrek the Movie….I need to be weighted down. The effects of steroids can be crippling and they definitely change how you look but my silver lining, there is always one!, is that I can now sleep wherever I want due to the cushion of fat at the back of my neck……very comfortable and you tend not to dribble when your head is back…see another bonus J
The HUVS is strong and it can sometimes catch me out but I have an excellent support network. From the taxi drivers who pick me up each day to the wonderful Annmarie and Lucy who trundle me up the slope and into work. My lovely colleagues keep me laughing until home time has snuck up once again. My friends and family are amazing. Someone asked me the other day how my illness has effected me and I answered honestly. I know that I should say it is awful and has ruined my life but that just isn’t the case, I actually feel my life is more enriched than before. Those around me are true friends, I do not get stuck on unimportant things, I take time to appreciate certain moments, tried new food, decorated my skin with my journey, taken chances by working on something I strongly believe in, going to teach dance for the first time over 15 years and most of all LAUGH MORE… life is actually quite great!
I suppose what I am trying to say is, illness or no illness there is always something positive to be found, I know and prove that each day!!!
Anyway peeps, check out Whizz-kidz, they are amazing you can find them on
and definitely read the etiquette article because that is just plan bonkers!
Until next time my fellow HUVs followers…….
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