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Mum, here are my legs...... |
I am surrounded by the “Fam” on a rather unusual day. Spring entered our calendars and today we find ourselves cut off from the rest of the area due to heavy snow. It is the coldest March day for 25 years.
It is about 6.30 am and the entire house is up and staring at either the window or PC screen..why you ask? Well, it is the moment we like to call “please let both schools have a snow day or all hell will break loose”. It is like a major technical scenario where both Mark and I balance expectations whilst knowing the inevitable messages will come releasing the children into the white world of sledging, snowballs and screams of delight as they make their way down the side of the Downs.
Once on my own, I sit in my backroom and can see the “Lowry” type figures across the valley hurtling at break neck speeds on their homemade snow vessels. Dark coats against the fields and slopes. Tearing down only to slowly creep to the summit to start the process all over again. The sun is just breaking through which gives the view a pristine a clean feeling. The seagulls are swooping against the blue and white mimicking the colours of the local football club which is named after them. In the foreground are my two girls who are frolicking in the garden enjoying their new game in the snow. Tika can just be seen stomach surfing as she loses her legs beneath the white layers with Roxy above her taking the opportunity to win the race to the ball.
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The Girls in the Spring snow |
The doorway is a collide scope of colour as bright orange and green snow boots and coats are thrown aside as they all troop in adding red cheeks to the already colourful room. Hot soup is bubbling on the stove ready to warm hands and stomachs. The older children prefer the more unconventional sandwiches whilst massaging their fingers on the game console handsets. The day is an endless roundabout of snow clothes on and snow clothes off, hot food, warming of pink hands and ever increasing yawns as the children slowly give into the tiredness that these special days create.
This morning normality is back and the children, much to their dismay, have gone back to school, slip sliding all the way on the snow and ice that cover all the surfaces. It is still early and I am sure the sun will do its job and make their journey home much safer though not necessarily more enjoyable as they love skating all the way to school J
So, apart from snow days how are we?
Things have been somewhat trying the past fortnight and I have been a guest of my second home more times than I would like. The situation isn’t improving but we just get on with it. The children remain amazing and take everything in their stride. Psychologically it has become more trying with the endless trips and I am sure this is down to tiredness more than anything else, and that is for all four of us.
The other thing that knocked my confidence last week was the accident I had on my little black scooter. Some cars owned by inconsiderate people had parked over the pavement meaning that I had to move my scooter towards the road. Unfortunately the scooter slipped down the grass verge tipping me into the road and pinning me underneath it. It was dark, wet and I was stuck in the middle of a busy chicken run. In my ears I could hear Boo screaming in fear whilst all I could do was pray that the cars coming my way would see me on the ground. Some very kind people picked me up and replaced me back on my seat. I then proceeded to motor home with my cuts and bruises all the time hugging Boo who was terribly upset. It is so sad after my excitement last week and the exceptional journey I had made. I have yet to look at any damage to the little black number but intend to jump back on as soon as the pavements are clear of ice again. Yes, the people were inconsiderate but I can’t blame them as I know that we do not consider the consequences of our actions unless they impact us directly. I am sure they could hop past the wheels of their cars but didn’t think how their cars would effect someone like me ……and that my friends is life J
Still, there is a silver lining, which is we are off to see the “man” who supposedly collects people like me next week. I have vision of me in a specimen jar filled with pickle juice… a bit like the film “the man with two brains”. Mark and I fully intend to get some answers and plans…it seems that everyone is waiting for his verdict and input. Apart from the usual questions about management and treatment I will be pushing for a mediport, a port that is in the body for intravenous access, as my veins are all shot to pieces now. It does have risks but so does not having an easily accessible emergency line….
Strangely I am looking forward to the 8 hour round trip to see this guy. I is a time that Mark have to chat, laugh and enjoy each other’s company without interruption. We stop off for lunch on the way and take our time on the motorways. Last time we went the consultant was on holiday……we still managed to cackle like hyenas on the way home at everyone’s indignation on our behalf. I remember it distinctly as it was around Guy Fawkes Night and our journey home was lit up by flashes of brilliance against a really cold and starry night.
Being ill is stressful……..
Those who know my very well will tell you that I alternated between being calm and incredibly stressed. The second emotion is normally within my home environment where I feel I can let my feelings go. Obviously the downside to this is that I am being rather horrible to those I love the most. I remember when Jacob was a toddler and he hurt me in temper one day. I asked the health visitor why he had done this. Her answer was that he hurt me as he knew my love was unconditional regardless of his actions. Maybe that is it…. It still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that I hurt those closest to me.
Stress can manifest itself in a variety of ways with physical and emotional symptoms. With this in mind I investigated what I could do to try and limit my outbursts, which are definitely made worse by the amount of steroids I take.
My constant through the past 3 years has been humour. I have always looked at things slightly differently but having a husband and friends who are the same means that we have created our very own species that chortle at and in the most inappropriate things. Take Resus, for instance. It is probably the most stressful and emergency based environment in the hospital but we sit, chat, laugh and make ourselves at home on a regular basis. We know others in there think we are insensitive but they are probably visiting the area for the first and, fingers crossed, last time in their lives. Whereas we are in there up to 4 times a week….your perceptions and reality change.
During my investigation I came across this page.
How to Reduce Stress During Long-Term Illness
Although it is very difficult to live with a long-term illness, help is available. Research has shown that stress management techniques can relieve some of the symptoms you may be experiencing while living with a chronic condition.
The mind-body connection is an important part of living with an illness. When Saturday Review editor, Norman Cousins, was recuperating from an illness in the hospital, he became discouraged by his health problems. He decided to heal himself by using laughter. Armed with copies of Candid Camera and Marx Brothers films, he laughed his way to health. In his book, Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient, he wrote, "I was greatly elated by the discovery that there is a physiological basis for the ancient theory that laughter is good medicine."
In Herbert Benson�s book, The Relaxation Response, careful attention is given to the connection between learning new stress management techniques and improving your health. He believes that if "you regularly elicit this (relaxation) response, build it into your daily existence, the situations that activate your sympathetic nervous system could be counteracted by a process allowing your body to decrease its sympathetic nervous system activity."
A variety of stress management techniques are now being used to treat chronic illness. These include:
� Meditation: The beauty of practicing meditation is that it allows you to "let go" of every day worries and literally "live in the moment." People who meditate regularly report improvements physically, mentally, and spiritually. To begin a meditation practice, you will need to find a quiet spot, away from the phone, television, friends, family, and other distractions. There are several different ways to meditate. Meditation practices often involve learning chanting, breathing, or mantra techniques. Initially, your mind may wander when you first start meditating. by training your mind to focus on the moment, you will eventually find yourself transformed and feel very peaceful and content. Most experts recommend mediating for about 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Beginners may find it difficult to meditate for this length at first, but don’t despair. It will become easier once you are meditating regularly.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture has been used as a proven method of medical practice in China for more than 2,500 years. It is just gaining popularity in the United States. It is based on the concept that energy circulates throughout the body by way of specific pathways. Illness results when energy is blocked. Improved health results by stimulating specific energy points with acupuncture needles.
Yoga: Yoga combines meditation and physical exercise to achieve improved health and sense of well-being. Yoga has been practiced in India for over 5,000 years. Yoga involves repeating movements that can help improve strength and flexibility as well as promote mental and physical health and greater self-understanding. The movements are very graceful and have spiritual significance. Paying careful attention to breathing is also part of practicing yoga.
Guided Imagery: Guided Imagery is a wonderful stress reduction tool which uses "visualization" and "mental imagery" techniques to improve health. It has been used effectively for cancer patients who literally imagine themselves without the cancerous cells. Other creative visualization techniques include transporting the individual to a quiet place in their mind (perhaps a favorite lake, river, or forest). You can either create your own special place or listen to a guided imagery tape or CD. According to the Guided Imagery Resource Center, guided imagery can "reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood and heighten short-term immune cell activity."
As our understanding of the mind-body connection expands, more and more people are taking advantage of these wonderful techniques.
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One of my Angels |
I also find that taking some control helps. I do this , bizarrely, through controlling my diet…Mark and kids are troopers eating my concoctions with a smile and “that was nice mum” comments when I know they would much rather be tucking into a burger. Once again my family accommodates my erratic behavior. I love them to bits and wouldn’t know what to do without them. I also have some very, very special friends who support me, wipe my nose on their shoulders when I snot cry and ferry me and mine everywhere….they understand how stressful my world gets but have the courage to knock me back with honest comments and wagging fingers when I become to much….
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My other Angel |
What next?
Well, I have a rather spiffing dress and extraordinarily high shoes that I want to air, so I think today I may concentrate of dragging “The Angels” out for a belated birthday bash. I need to find a venue that caters for us all. We need a venue that caters for the more mature, not behavior, woman that has a dance floor, bar, certain level of clientele, and access for a spot of rather distinguished wheelchair dancing…..is there such a place???? Answers on a postcard please.
So that is where we are at…..the sun has resurfaced while I have been typing. My girls have snuck up beside me and that lovely peaceful, warm feeling has taken over the house. I am off to start reading a couple of books that I have been patiently waiting for (Hilary Mantel – Wolfhall and Bring up the bodies – thanks for the heads up Jools)
Until next time my friends when I will hopefully have more of an update for you
oZzy moved away earlier, I miss his cock, for always hungry
ReplyDeletefor intercourse.
My web page; hcg injections
Apologies to everyone for the comment above....stupid people do stupid things.....